The one missing link for most home studios is excellent acoustics.
These days, anyone can have a great DAW and plugins but most home studios are lacking in professionally designed recording rooms.
Also, much of the music made today relies on sampled drums, loops and instruments.
This can result in sterile and harsh digital recordings, heard in many home studios.
"Exquisite Rooms" is a collection of Impulse Responses that includes warm and woody rooms, drum and vocal booths, guitar rooms and closets, etc.
It is a large collection of over 100 Impulse Responses designed to add the character of natural acoustics to your recordings.
We also added some chambers, live rooms, churches and some larger spaces for variety.
Putting together an Impulse Response library like "Exquisite Rooms" is a massive undertaking.
All Impulse Responses are in the commonly used Wav format which makes it compatible with many of the main tools like Altiverb, Reverberate 2/3, Hoffa IQ, and the large list of Impulse Responses plugins that support Wav files.
Some of the included categories:
Oak Rooms
Vocal Booths
Drums Rooms and Booths
Percussion Rooms
Guitar Rooms
Amp Closets
Fat and Woody
Live Rooms
Cherry Rooms
Maple Rooms
We have been designing presets for a very longtime.
In fact Zak is responsible for the worlds first completely sampled recording.
This production is part of the Smithsonian permanent collection. Stevie Wonder was kind enough to loan his Synclavier which was used for all the sampling.
Zak has worked doing engineering and production for well over 1000 musicians, several recording labels and worked designing sounds for nearly 3 decades.
Zaks engineering/productions have been released by Opal Music, Audion, Sugarhill, Matador, 4AD and others.
You can hear VSP presets on recordings worldwide in film, radio and studio productions.
We offer some of the most experienced sound design available.
VSP On YouTube
Presets for Hardware and Software Synths
We make presets for both hardware and software synths.